Welcome to Plymouth Trinity UMC!
We are an open, inclusive, anti-racist community of disciples helping people connect to hope through Jesus Christ. Regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, disability, or socioeconomic background. We’d love for you to join us for services online and in-person.
Plymouth Trinity UMC In-person & Online 10:00 AM Sunday Mornings
What about my kids?
We are excited to welcome you at Plymouth Trinity UMC! We welcome all age ranges from Birth-100 +. There is no better sound in the church than the excitement and laughter of our Trinity kiddos!
We partner with parents/guardians to raise children who trust God with their hearts, and follow Jesus with their lives. We have several options to engage your kiddos in worship? We have a nursery for Birth-5 years old. Every Sunday we have a children's church 6 years- 3rd grade. Every Sunday all kiddos are invited to engage in a time with Pastor Kayla before moving from big worship up to Children's Church. We also have a Mother's Room for parents to use and are still able to view worship via live tv.
We partner with parents/guardians to raise children who trust God with their hearts, and follow Jesus with their lives. We have several options to engage your kiddos in worship? We have a nursery for Birth-5 years old. Every Sunday we have a children's church 6 years- 3rd grade. Every Sunday all kiddos are invited to engage in a time with Pastor Kayla before moving from big worship up to Children's Church. We also have a Mother's Room for parents to use and are still able to view worship via live tv.
Want to Get Connected?
Click the button and learn about our different options from Sunday School, to Small Groups, Children's Ministry, Choir and more.
Wondering What to Wear?Come just as you are! Don't let the traditional church building fool you, you'll find that our church is a casual environment where you can feel comfortable to be yourself. You can expect to find people wearing everything from their jeans and t-shirts and football jerseys to their Sunday best. One things for sure Pastor Kayla will most likely always have a coffee cup in hand!