Looking for Connection?
At Plymouth Trinity we have several opportunities for you to get plugged in!
Adult Sunday School 9:00 AM
Every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM our adult Sunday school gathers in the Builders Classroom for prayer, fellowship and a time of learning.
Coffee & Conversation
Every Sunday starting at 9:45 we have coffee and treats available in our Sanctuary Overflow. Also available after service for a time of fellowship gathering.
United Women in Faith
Our UWF is a group of women of all age ranges who come together every month to work towards living out the UWF Mission and Purpose. The purpose of the UWF is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Our UWF circle actively engages in ministry and missions not only within the walls of our church but also within our community and world. The UWF meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 9:00 AM.
ACTS Stamping Ministry
Do you enjoy crafting? Every Wednesday morning the ACTS ladies group gets together and spend time in fellowship while working on creating new greeting cards that are made available for all.
Trinity Kids Crosswalk
Looking for ministry for the kiddos?
Join our facebook group Trinity Kids Crosswalk. Here you will be connected with all our parents and stay up to date with all our TKC ministry opportunities.
Sunday morning Children's Church
Trinity Kids Crosswalk every other Sunday
4:00- 6:00 PM
Join our facebook group Trinity Kids Crosswalk. Here you will be connected with all our parents and stay up to date with all our TKC ministry opportunities.
Sunday morning Children's Church
Trinity Kids Crosswalk every other Sunday
4:00- 6:00 PM
Small Groups
Starting in November the Pastor led book study on Growing Young will be on the Second Monday evening of the month. If you are interested in joining please see Pastor Kayla for a book. Books are $15.
What is Growing Young All About? Growing Young gives you Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church. Churches are both shrinking and aging as more young people disengage. Based on groundbreaking research with over 250 of the nation’s leading congregations, Growing Young provides a strategy any church can use to involve and retain young people. It profiles innovative churches engaging 15- to 29-year-olds that are growing–spiritually, emotionally, missionally, and numerically. Packed with ideas, Growing Young shows ministry leaders how to position their churches to reach younger generations in a way that breathes life into the whole church.
What is Growing Young All About? Growing Young gives you Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church. Churches are both shrinking and aging as more young people disengage. Based on groundbreaking research with over 250 of the nation’s leading congregations, Growing Young provides a strategy any church can use to involve and retain young people. It profiles innovative churches engaging 15- to 29-year-olds that are growing–spiritually, emotionally, missionally, and numerically. Packed with ideas, Growing Young shows ministry leaders how to position their churches to reach younger generations in a way that breathes life into the whole church.
Music Ministry
Do you like to make a joyful noise? Join our Plymouth Trinity vocal choir under the direction of our Music Director Sandy Burroughs they practice on Wednesday Evenings starting at 7:00 PM September-May. Want to join the praise team? We are also looking for talented people who would enjoy leading worship on Sunday Mornings. We also have a Handbell Choir on that practice Fall, Winter and Spring. Interested contact our handbell director Ginger Kizer.
Trinity M.E.N.T.O.R.
At Trinity we have a Mentor program with Webster Elementary. M.E.N.T.O.R. stands for Modeling Engaging Nurturing Trusting Open Relationships. We are always looking to add mentors because the needs is so great! As a mentor you will be assigned one child at Webster Elementary and will spend about an hour per week at the school, eating lunch and spending time with their mentee. Mentors read, play games, do crafts, etc. -- it is a time of fun and relationship building! The program supports the student AND simultaneously rewards the mentor greatly. If you know someone who would make a great mentor, please give them this information or share this post! Mentors to NOT have to be members of Trinity but could be any loving, responsible adult in our community with a heart for kids. We look forward to working together to support our local children Jessica Godon is our MENTOR program director.