Be A Good Neighbor Week
Dear Beloveds of Trinity!
Did you know that Mayor Listenberger has proclaimed that it is Be A Good Neighbor Week in honor of Christine Garner's 50th Birthday which is today January 17, 2025. In honor of Be A Good Neighbor week we will participate by collecting 50 boxes of cereal to donate to the Neighborhood Center. “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 NRSV Happy Birthday Chris, thank you for the ways you show each of us how to live out Micah 6:8.
Did you know that Mayor Listenberger has proclaimed that it is Be A Good Neighbor Week in honor of Christine Garner's 50th Birthday which is today January 17, 2025. In honor of Be A Good Neighbor week we will participate by collecting 50 boxes of cereal to donate to the Neighborhood Center. “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 NRSV Happy Birthday Chris, thank you for the ways you show each of us how to live out Micah 6:8.
Trinity New Years Letter 2025
Greetings Beloved Church Family!
Happy New Year and greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is my sincerest
hope that this first year of 2025 has been filled with moments of experiencing God’s
grace and hope in mighty and powerful ways. I also pray that as you closed out the year
of 2024 you felt God’s peace surrounding you.
As I have been spending time praying and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance for what
2025 will look like for us here at Trinity. Two words came to mind these are words you
have heard from me before in a New Year's Letter. They are INTENTIONAL & GROW. It
is my prayer that this is going to be a year of intentional growth for us here at Trinity.
You may be wondering what I mean by intentional growth? Firstly we are going to be
intentional about seeking God’s will for how we continue to move forward in ministry to
live out our vision statement. As a reminder “Trinity exists to help all people grow their
faith to discover their purpose while making a difference in this world.” To live into and
live out our vision statement we need to be intentional about growing in our spiritual
journey through focusing on Christian education opportunities that meet the variety of
needs within our church. We are going to be intentional about growing in our
relationships with our community, by reaching outside of our church building to better
understand the needs of our community. Also, We are going to be intentional about
growing closer to one another to care for uplift and pray for one another. Lastly we need
to be intentional in making sure in everything we are doing we are continually growing
closer to Christ. While I recognize that all of that in one paragraph seems like a lot I
know that with the Holy Spirit’s guidance we can take the steps needed to help us be
intentional in growing.
I know there is much angst and wondering what the church will look like as we continue
to try and be the church with limited resources. However, I encourage all of you to not
give up hope, and do not let scarcity mindset paralyze you or us from doing the work
that God has for us to be used for his Kin-dom on Earth! Let us seek the throne of God
and place our worries, thoughts, fears, and joys before our Creator, lifting up our church
and community. While I cannot tell you what will happen this coming year, I can say
what we are going to do, and we will be intentional to continue to live a life worthy of the
calling of Jesus Christ.
I look forward to what these next 365 days hold for us here at Trinity United Methodist
Church, and I pray for nothing but God’s will & Favor for you and your family. Let us go
forth and continue to BE THE CHURCH!!
“See, I am doing a new things! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making
a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NRSV”
Enjoying the Journey
~Pastor Kayla~
Happy New Year and greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is my sincerest
hope that this first year of 2025 has been filled with moments of experiencing God’s
grace and hope in mighty and powerful ways. I also pray that as you closed out the year
of 2024 you felt God’s peace surrounding you.
As I have been spending time praying and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance for what
2025 will look like for us here at Trinity. Two words came to mind these are words you
have heard from me before in a New Year's Letter. They are INTENTIONAL & GROW. It
is my prayer that this is going to be a year of intentional growth for us here at Trinity.
You may be wondering what I mean by intentional growth? Firstly we are going to be
intentional about seeking God’s will for how we continue to move forward in ministry to
live out our vision statement. As a reminder “Trinity exists to help all people grow their
faith to discover their purpose while making a difference in this world.” To live into and
live out our vision statement we need to be intentional about growing in our spiritual
journey through focusing on Christian education opportunities that meet the variety of
needs within our church. We are going to be intentional about growing in our
relationships with our community, by reaching outside of our church building to better
understand the needs of our community. Also, We are going to be intentional about
growing closer to one another to care for uplift and pray for one another. Lastly we need
to be intentional in making sure in everything we are doing we are continually growing
closer to Christ. While I recognize that all of that in one paragraph seems like a lot I
know that with the Holy Spirit’s guidance we can take the steps needed to help us be
intentional in growing.
I know there is much angst and wondering what the church will look like as we continue
to try and be the church with limited resources. However, I encourage all of you to not
give up hope, and do not let scarcity mindset paralyze you or us from doing the work
that God has for us to be used for his Kin-dom on Earth! Let us seek the throne of God
and place our worries, thoughts, fears, and joys before our Creator, lifting up our church
and community. While I cannot tell you what will happen this coming year, I can say
what we are going to do, and we will be intentional to continue to live a life worthy of the
calling of Jesus Christ.
I look forward to what these next 365 days hold for us here at Trinity United Methodist
Church, and I pray for nothing but God’s will & Favor for you and your family. Let us go
forth and continue to BE THE CHURCH!!
“See, I am doing a new things! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making
a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NRSV”
Enjoying the Journey
~Pastor Kayla~
Making a Joyful Noise
Beloveds of Trinity!
Two of my favorite old testament passages come from the book of Psalms 98 & 100. Both of which remind us that we are to regularly make a joyful noise to the earth and sing of his goodness with gladness. I think we can all agree that at Trinity we are incredibly blessed with a very wonderful music program that helps us weekly make a joyful noise and sing of God’s goodness and mercy. I am honored and blessed to work alongside our Music Director Sandy Burroughs. I praise God for her and each of our praise team and choir members who bless us each week with their talents for praising God through music. As you know this time of the year our choir gears up and begins shifting into Advent mode which brings forth the Christmas Cantata. I was in the church Wednesday night working while the choir was practicing and I can tell you we are going to be so blessed by the Cantata this year. I am so excited and can hardly wait for you all to hear it, you are going to be blessed!
I am also excited for this year's performance because our choir along with First UMC’s choir have joined together for the Christmas Cantata. By each church's choir joining together we are living into our connectional system and making each music program that much stronger. This means you have two opportunities to experience the Cantata December 8th at 9:30 AM at First UMC and December 15th at 10:00 AM at Trinity UMC. You may be wondering, Pastor Kayla, does this mean we don’t have to come to church on December 8th? NO! NO! NO! It means that we will be gathering for worship at First UMC instead of Trinity. If you are not able to make it to First UMC you are then invited to come and join me for worship at Hamlet UMC at 11:45 (10:45 CST). So mark your calendar and remember there will be no worship at Trinity on December 8th. It is my hope and prayer that you will join us for both weeks to support and thank our choir members for the hard work and dedication they put in, to make the wonderful Cantata happen each year.
Enjoying the Journey
Pastor Kayla
Two of my favorite old testament passages come from the book of Psalms 98 & 100. Both of which remind us that we are to regularly make a joyful noise to the earth and sing of his goodness with gladness. I think we can all agree that at Trinity we are incredibly blessed with a very wonderful music program that helps us weekly make a joyful noise and sing of God’s goodness and mercy. I am honored and blessed to work alongside our Music Director Sandy Burroughs. I praise God for her and each of our praise team and choir members who bless us each week with their talents for praising God through music. As you know this time of the year our choir gears up and begins shifting into Advent mode which brings forth the Christmas Cantata. I was in the church Wednesday night working while the choir was practicing and I can tell you we are going to be so blessed by the Cantata this year. I am so excited and can hardly wait for you all to hear it, you are going to be blessed!
I am also excited for this year's performance because our choir along with First UMC’s choir have joined together for the Christmas Cantata. By each church's choir joining together we are living into our connectional system and making each music program that much stronger. This means you have two opportunities to experience the Cantata December 8th at 9:30 AM at First UMC and December 15th at 10:00 AM at Trinity UMC. You may be wondering, Pastor Kayla, does this mean we don’t have to come to church on December 8th? NO! NO! NO! It means that we will be gathering for worship at First UMC instead of Trinity. If you are not able to make it to First UMC you are then invited to come and join me for worship at Hamlet UMC at 11:45 (10:45 CST). So mark your calendar and remember there will be no worship at Trinity on December 8th. It is my hope and prayer that you will join us for both weeks to support and thank our choir members for the hard work and dedication they put in, to make the wonderful Cantata happen each year.
Enjoying the Journey
Pastor Kayla
Kindness. Compassion. Humility. Respect. Love.
Greetings Trinity!
Yesterday we kicked off our new worship series Do Unto Others where over these next six weeks we will be campaigning for Kindness, Compassion, Humility, Respect and Love in our world that is consumed with division. So often typified in the colors red and blue. Rather than stay in our monochromatic silos, the Golden Rule in scripture challenges us to engage in conversation and seek to create whatever common good we can with our relatives, friends, and neighbors who we might consider to be on the “other side” politically and ideologically. As we attempt to come together, the idea is not that we are obliterating either one or trying to change each other, but rather we discover the beauty that can be created when we work together to make the world a better place. The “purple space” is where we cultivate kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love for one another and for the good of all the world, no matter what. I hope you will join me in vowing to be Purple People living out the Golden Rule. We have a couple resources available for you as we journey together throughout this series.
First there will be daily Prayer Prompts and reminders posted on our social media account . You can find us on facebook by clicking this link here:
We also have a Daily Guided Prayer Journal that is available in the overflow. I have also attached it here if you would like an E-Version of the Prayer Journal.
It is my prayer and hope that as we move throughout this series and season we will all become kinder, more compassionate, humble people willing to love all those around us no matter how different they think, believe, live and vote from us. Let us take up the challenge to truly be the church filled with purple people this election season.
Enjoying the Journey
Pastor Kayla
August 6, 2024
Dear Beloveds of Trinity,
As you know The Marshall County Neighborhood Center is one of our local missional organizations that we support in a variety of ways. I spent time helping with the food pantry today as the pantry has lost a couple volunteers over the last couple months and they have needed extra help. On Mondays the pantry is open from 1:00 Pm - 2:45 PM. In that hour and 45 minutes we saw 27 families of various sizes at the pantry. That is a VERY busy hour and 45 minutes. One of the biggest things I noticed today while taking families through the pantry was how bare the shelves were looking. The pantry has been struggling to keep food stocked this summer and needs some help. The last fundraiser the Neighborhood Center had the Quack Out Hunger was shy of what they hoped to bring in. I know we are all feeling the impact and we all have probably altered in some way how we stock our own pantries due to the current cost of food. I am so thankful we have places in our community like the Neighborhood Center, & Bread of Life to help make sure no one is going hungry. If you are able to I'm asking that you bring a box or two of cereal or a box of individually packaged snack items. As school begins these items will become more important as parents are packing lunches for their children. Right now there are no snack items and the cereal is very low. If you would instead like to donate money you can write the check to the church and we will send one check to the neighborhood center. There will be a special offering box in the overflow Marked Neighborhood Center on Sunday where you can place your monetary donation or you can place the food donations in our Neighborhood Center box.
Thank you all for the ways you continue to support the Neighborhood Center and BE THE CHURCH!
Grace & Peace
Pastor Kayla
As you know The Marshall County Neighborhood Center is one of our local missional organizations that we support in a variety of ways. I spent time helping with the food pantry today as the pantry has lost a couple volunteers over the last couple months and they have needed extra help. On Mondays the pantry is open from 1:00 Pm - 2:45 PM. In that hour and 45 minutes we saw 27 families of various sizes at the pantry. That is a VERY busy hour and 45 minutes. One of the biggest things I noticed today while taking families through the pantry was how bare the shelves were looking. The pantry has been struggling to keep food stocked this summer and needs some help. The last fundraiser the Neighborhood Center had the Quack Out Hunger was shy of what they hoped to bring in. I know we are all feeling the impact and we all have probably altered in some way how we stock our own pantries due to the current cost of food. I am so thankful we have places in our community like the Neighborhood Center, & Bread of Life to help make sure no one is going hungry. If you are able to I'm asking that you bring a box or two of cereal or a box of individually packaged snack items. As school begins these items will become more important as parents are packing lunches for their children. Right now there are no snack items and the cereal is very low. If you would instead like to donate money you can write the check to the church and we will send one check to the neighborhood center. There will be a special offering box in the overflow Marked Neighborhood Center on Sunday where you can place your monetary donation or you can place the food donations in our Neighborhood Center box.
Thank you all for the ways you continue to support the Neighborhood Center and BE THE CHURCH!
Grace & Peace
Pastor Kayla
June 27, 2024
Dear Beloveds,
As I am praying and preparing for our weekly worship service this week I want you to know that I am praying for you. Tonight I spent time walking through the sanctuary stopping in each pew praying that God will pour out the Holy Spirit upon each of us and lead us all to Sunday with a right Heart and Mind for worship. That we would all come ready to give praise and thanks for all that God has done for us in our lives. So I leave you with this nugget before we head into this weekend. What would happen if we all took the I and me out of why we come to worship? What would our church, community and our own lives look like if we centered ourselves back to the cross and the message of the Gospel? This is my prayer for us all tonight that as we prepare to enter the sanctuary Sunday morning we would remember the cross and what it is truly all about.
Grace & Peace
Pastor Kayla
As I am praying and preparing for our weekly worship service this week I want you to know that I am praying for you. Tonight I spent time walking through the sanctuary stopping in each pew praying that God will pour out the Holy Spirit upon each of us and lead us all to Sunday with a right Heart and Mind for worship. That we would all come ready to give praise and thanks for all that God has done for us in our lives. So I leave you with this nugget before we head into this weekend. What would happen if we all took the I and me out of why we come to worship? What would our church, community and our own lives look like if we centered ourselves back to the cross and the message of the Gospel? This is my prayer for us all tonight that as we prepare to enter the sanctuary Sunday morning we would remember the cross and what it is truly all about.
Grace & Peace
Pastor Kayla
May 31, 2024
Beloveds in Christ!
How are you all doing? I pray you have had a blessed spring and are looking forward to a fun filled relaxing Summer! We have a lot of wonderful things planned to make this summer a great one at the church! I wanted to take some time and tell you about our Summer Worship Series that your Lay Leader Barb Holcomb is kicking off this week called Heroes of Faith! That’s right, a summer full of SUPER HEROES I might even pull out my cape! Heroes do not just belong in comic books and blockbuster movies. We have them in real life too – people whose courage, strength, and resilience we can look up to as models for our own lives. In this summer series, we will meet several outstanding heroes from our faith story. Their readiness to listen to God’s voice in their lives and act on it inspires us to do the same.
We will spend all summer looking at different Biblical and Historical Faith Heroes. Some you may recognize and expect and some you may not. Want to get a head start? I encourage everyone to read Hebrews 11 and then go through and remind yourself of all the stories told within Chapter 11. It will be a great refresh before starting on Sunday with an Unlikely Hero. I am praying that throughout this series our own faith will grow and deepen this summer. I also want us to be immersed in vastly different stories from David, Rahab, John & Charles Wesley and even their mother Susanna and her prayer apron. Reminding us all that you don’t have to be a Peter or Mary or another BIG name faith giant to make a difference in the life of our faith story. God uses all people of all backgrounds. Most heroes of faith don’t have it all together. Even still in the midst of not being perfect and some being a straight up hot mess express they were still used mightily! It’s going to be a SUPER SUMMER and I can’t wait to see how God uses us to BE THE CHURCH!!
Enjoying the Journey
Pastor Kayla
How are you all doing? I pray you have had a blessed spring and are looking forward to a fun filled relaxing Summer! We have a lot of wonderful things planned to make this summer a great one at the church! I wanted to take some time and tell you about our Summer Worship Series that your Lay Leader Barb Holcomb is kicking off this week called Heroes of Faith! That’s right, a summer full of SUPER HEROES I might even pull out my cape! Heroes do not just belong in comic books and blockbuster movies. We have them in real life too – people whose courage, strength, and resilience we can look up to as models for our own lives. In this summer series, we will meet several outstanding heroes from our faith story. Their readiness to listen to God’s voice in their lives and act on it inspires us to do the same.
We will spend all summer looking at different Biblical and Historical Faith Heroes. Some you may recognize and expect and some you may not. Want to get a head start? I encourage everyone to read Hebrews 11 and then go through and remind yourself of all the stories told within Chapter 11. It will be a great refresh before starting on Sunday with an Unlikely Hero. I am praying that throughout this series our own faith will grow and deepen this summer. I also want us to be immersed in vastly different stories from David, Rahab, John & Charles Wesley and even their mother Susanna and her prayer apron. Reminding us all that you don’t have to be a Peter or Mary or another BIG name faith giant to make a difference in the life of our faith story. God uses all people of all backgrounds. Most heroes of faith don’t have it all together. Even still in the midst of not being perfect and some being a straight up hot mess express they were still used mightily! It’s going to be a SUPER SUMMER and I can’t wait to see how God uses us to BE THE CHURCH!!
Enjoying the Journey
Pastor Kayla
Happy Mother's Day - May 11, 2024
Greeting’s Trinity!
It is my prayer that you have been having a blessed week and no matter what you have walked through this week you have experienced the grace and love of Jesus Christ! I wanted to take a moment the eve of Mothers Day and just share a little of my heart with you about tomorrow's service and Mother’s Day. While Mother’s day and Father’s day are not part of the Christian Calendar. They have become important days in the life of the church. While they are important days they can be complicated to say the least right?
Anytime we start thinking and talking Mother’s and Father’s there is a range of different emotions, thoughts and memories that come to mind. So here is what I want to share with you ahead of this Sunday.
It’s okay. It’s okay if mothers day is one of the greatest days of the year for you. It’s also okay if mothers day is complicated. It’s even okay if it's one of those days where you wish you could just skip over it all together. Here is what I want to assure you of and what you will experience on Sunday. We are a church that is trying our best to first and foremost Do No Harm. So while mother’s day will be a piece of the service it will not be the focal point of our service. Our church service like always will be focused on the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
This year for many reasons we have chosen to move our celebration of mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and all caregivers on June 9th. In order to be sensitive to the range of emotions and experiences every one may have related to this day and to fathers day we will only be acknowledging the holiday in the prayer of the day. We have decided that we will celebrate all families and those who have cared for us in life whether it be a parent, grandparent, aunts, uncles, step parents, foster parent or someone else who fulfilled a parental role in your life on June 9th during our 10:00 AM service. Our Children's choir will sing and lead us in worship and they have been working on something special for that day as well. So I pray you feel welcomed and appreciated this day and every day and feel safe to be able to Worship God today.
Please know that our worship leadership has done our best to make space for all on this day, we will do what we can to ensure the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual safety of all. I recognize that if you think this day is too complicated and you are not sure attending worship would be safe for you. Hear me say that is okay! Please do what you need to do to care for and keep yourself safe. I also want you to know that if no one has told you recently or ever please know that you are deeply loved, you are cared for, you are valuable and worthy not only by Jesus Christ but also by me and I am so thankful for each of you. As always my door is open to you if you need to talk!
Enjoying the Journey Even
When It’s Complicated
Pastor Kayla
It is my prayer that you have been having a blessed week and no matter what you have walked through this week you have experienced the grace and love of Jesus Christ! I wanted to take a moment the eve of Mothers Day and just share a little of my heart with you about tomorrow's service and Mother’s Day. While Mother’s day and Father’s day are not part of the Christian Calendar. They have become important days in the life of the church. While they are important days they can be complicated to say the least right?
Anytime we start thinking and talking Mother’s and Father’s there is a range of different emotions, thoughts and memories that come to mind. So here is what I want to share with you ahead of this Sunday.
It’s okay. It’s okay if mothers day is one of the greatest days of the year for you. It’s also okay if mothers day is complicated. It’s even okay if it's one of those days where you wish you could just skip over it all together. Here is what I want to assure you of and what you will experience on Sunday. We are a church that is trying our best to first and foremost Do No Harm. So while mother’s day will be a piece of the service it will not be the focal point of our service. Our church service like always will be focused on the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
This year for many reasons we have chosen to move our celebration of mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and all caregivers on June 9th. In order to be sensitive to the range of emotions and experiences every one may have related to this day and to fathers day we will only be acknowledging the holiday in the prayer of the day. We have decided that we will celebrate all families and those who have cared for us in life whether it be a parent, grandparent, aunts, uncles, step parents, foster parent or someone else who fulfilled a parental role in your life on June 9th during our 10:00 AM service. Our Children's choir will sing and lead us in worship and they have been working on something special for that day as well. So I pray you feel welcomed and appreciated this day and every day and feel safe to be able to Worship God today.
Please know that our worship leadership has done our best to make space for all on this day, we will do what we can to ensure the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual safety of all. I recognize that if you think this day is too complicated and you are not sure attending worship would be safe for you. Hear me say that is okay! Please do what you need to do to care for and keep yourself safe. I also want you to know that if no one has told you recently or ever please know that you are deeply loved, you are cared for, you are valuable and worthy not only by Jesus Christ but also by me and I am so thankful for each of you. As always my door is open to you if you need to talk!
Enjoying the Journey Even
When It’s Complicated
Pastor Kayla
General Conference 2020
Beloveds in Christ,
I am writing to you this evening after a day of historic happenings within the United Methodist Church. Attached to my letter you will also find our Conference Superintendents Notes from Charlotte Day 8. Rev. Dr. Marti Lundy is currently at the 2020 General Conference and has more insight than I do to what has unfolded today. Please continue to be in prayer for our delegation as the last few days of the General Conference 2020 wraps up.
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Dear Trinity,
What a historic day in the United Methodist Church. Like others have said, the General Conference is still not over. On days like today I am reminded that there is a range of emotions being felt across the connection.
There are many who will be relieved, filled with joy, elated and more.
Along with that comes the other emotions we all experience. There will be sadness, disappointment, anger, hurt, confusion and more.
As another colleague said today there “are those who finally feel that their church is truly seeing them for the first time in their lives.” While there will be others who think that the UMC has turned away from God and disobeying scripture.
Some reading this are probably annoyed that I’m trying to make space for all emotions, thoughts and perspectives…
As a reminder… All means all (right?)
It is my hope and prayer that in the midst of whatever you personally may be experiencing right now… stop. Take a deep breath in of the Holy Spirit and exhale the world and all you are carrying.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide and direct our paths.
Pray that every person will feel the love and grace of Christ deeply.
While I have many thoughts I am still processing all of what’s happened and what the changes mean. I can say this. I am thankful. Thankful that God has brought us through a season of disaffiliation, ugliness and uncertainty. As a colleague also stated “I am encouraged that two groups of people who decided they could no longer proceed in peace together have both begun to head in the directions they feel called to go. Both groups are finding joy and purpose to fill the void once occupied by division.”
Friends no matter where you may fall on the issues that have been dividing us know this.
You are loved.
You are wanted.
You are valuable.
You are seen.
And this world needs you.
Be so gentle with yourselves over the next few days as you continue to process and live through the end of General Conference 2020. Love yourself and love others well.
Enjoying the Journey,
Pastor Kayla
From the Superintendent's Desk: Rev. Dr. Marti Lundy’s notes from Charlotte Day 8
“Notes from Charlotte” – Day 8
You may have seen the news from today already, but this is an historic day for The United Methodist Church. Since 1972, we have placed restrictions on LGBTQ individuals being ordained and restrictions on what type of weddings our clergy can perform and where those ceremonies can happen. Today, after NO debate, and with 93% approval, all restrictions were removed.
Friends, please grasp the enormity of that percentage - 93%. That means the vote was a global vote inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am not so naive to think that after this vote all of us will be overwhelmingly on board immediately, but this is our new direction and I prayerfully invite you to join in this new expression of what it means to be The United Methodist Church.
Part of what was also affirmed today was a very clear statement that says no church or clergyperson is required to, nor prohibited from, performing any marriages, same-gender or otherwise. Disaffiliation was officially ended as well.
We are now in a season of healing and moving forward…healing from decades of harm done and moving forward with stories of witness and inspiration our grandchildren will tell some day of this movement of the Holy Spirit. Bishop David Wilson of the Great Plains Annual Conference and the first Native American elected as Bishop opened the day in worship. He reminded us of the ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) philosophy that says the decisions we make today impact a world seven generations into the future. Our actions are for the future with a mind to the past.
I am reminded that as a female clergyperson, many people seven generations ago paved the way for me and I stand on their shoulders. We must remember that the healing and moving forward we faithfully participate in today impacts seven generations to come. They rely on us to lead with faith - not fear - as they will stand on our shoulders.
Let me especially say a word to our LGBTQ brothers and sisters in Christ…I see you as the beloved children of God that you are, and I share your excitement to full inclusivity in The United Methodist Church. You stand on the shoulders of those who paved the way for this day.
To all United Methodists of goodwill in the North District in Indiana: I believe in you. I believe in The United Methodist Church. I believe we are Stronger Together. Most of all, I believe in the love of Jesus Christ that makes all things possible. May we pave the way for a bright future for all people as we continue to let perfect love cast out all fear!
I am writing to you this evening after a day of historic happenings within the United Methodist Church. Attached to my letter you will also find our Conference Superintendents Notes from Charlotte Day 8. Rev. Dr. Marti Lundy is currently at the 2020 General Conference and has more insight than I do to what has unfolded today. Please continue to be in prayer for our delegation as the last few days of the General Conference 2020 wraps up.
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Dear Trinity,
What a historic day in the United Methodist Church. Like others have said, the General Conference is still not over. On days like today I am reminded that there is a range of emotions being felt across the connection.
There are many who will be relieved, filled with joy, elated and more.
Along with that comes the other emotions we all experience. There will be sadness, disappointment, anger, hurt, confusion and more.
As another colleague said today there “are those who finally feel that their church is truly seeing them for the first time in their lives.” While there will be others who think that the UMC has turned away from God and disobeying scripture.
Some reading this are probably annoyed that I’m trying to make space for all emotions, thoughts and perspectives…
As a reminder… All means all (right?)
It is my hope and prayer that in the midst of whatever you personally may be experiencing right now… stop. Take a deep breath in of the Holy Spirit and exhale the world and all you are carrying.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide and direct our paths.
Pray that every person will feel the love and grace of Christ deeply.
While I have many thoughts I am still processing all of what’s happened and what the changes mean. I can say this. I am thankful. Thankful that God has brought us through a season of disaffiliation, ugliness and uncertainty. As a colleague also stated “I am encouraged that two groups of people who decided they could no longer proceed in peace together have both begun to head in the directions they feel called to go. Both groups are finding joy and purpose to fill the void once occupied by division.”
Friends no matter where you may fall on the issues that have been dividing us know this.
You are loved.
You are wanted.
You are valuable.
You are seen.
And this world needs you.
Be so gentle with yourselves over the next few days as you continue to process and live through the end of General Conference 2020. Love yourself and love others well.
Enjoying the Journey,
Pastor Kayla
From the Superintendent's Desk: Rev. Dr. Marti Lundy’s notes from Charlotte Day 8
“Notes from Charlotte” – Day 8
You may have seen the news from today already, but this is an historic day for The United Methodist Church. Since 1972, we have placed restrictions on LGBTQ individuals being ordained and restrictions on what type of weddings our clergy can perform and where those ceremonies can happen. Today, after NO debate, and with 93% approval, all restrictions were removed.
Friends, please grasp the enormity of that percentage - 93%. That means the vote was a global vote inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am not so naive to think that after this vote all of us will be overwhelmingly on board immediately, but this is our new direction and I prayerfully invite you to join in this new expression of what it means to be The United Methodist Church.
Part of what was also affirmed today was a very clear statement that says no church or clergyperson is required to, nor prohibited from, performing any marriages, same-gender or otherwise. Disaffiliation was officially ended as well.
We are now in a season of healing and moving forward…healing from decades of harm done and moving forward with stories of witness and inspiration our grandchildren will tell some day of this movement of the Holy Spirit. Bishop David Wilson of the Great Plains Annual Conference and the first Native American elected as Bishop opened the day in worship. He reminded us of the ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) philosophy that says the decisions we make today impact a world seven generations into the future. Our actions are for the future with a mind to the past.
I am reminded that as a female clergyperson, many people seven generations ago paved the way for me and I stand on their shoulders. We must remember that the healing and moving forward we faithfully participate in today impacts seven generations to come. They rely on us to lead with faith - not fear - as they will stand on our shoulders.
Let me especially say a word to our LGBTQ brothers and sisters in Christ…I see you as the beloved children of God that you are, and I share your excitement to full inclusivity in The United Methodist Church. You stand on the shoulders of those who paved the way for this day.
To all United Methodists of goodwill in the North District in Indiana: I believe in you. I believe in The United Methodist Church. I believe we are Stronger Together. Most of all, I believe in the love of Jesus Christ that makes all things possible. May we pave the way for a bright future for all people as we continue to let perfect love cast out all fear!
Extravagant Generosity: The Heart of Giving
Dear Friends and Siblings in Faith,
Once in a great while, something comes along and unexpectedly captures our minds and hearts. That has been my experience in planning for our special churchwide emphasis called Extravagant Generosity: The Heart of Giving. You will not want to miss one of the four Sundays planned, as we explore and celebrate matters of our hearts. This will be a very meaningful time for our congregation.
In preparation, we want you to know about two important tools: a devotional guide, Practicing Extravagant Generosity: Daily Readings on the Grace of Giving and a “Heart Card.” The daily devotional guide will inspire your spirit as you explore the thought provoking pages. We are asking the church family to move through this devotional guide together, so please, begin using it next Monday, September 25, 2023. We will be posting the daily devotional on our church facebook page. If you would like a hard copy of the devotional book, we can have it printed for you. You just need to let the office know you would like a copy. We can also email it to you if that is your preferred method of getting the daily devotional.
The Heart Card which is in the form of a leaf can be picked up in the overflow this Sunday. Take it home and really think about what you love most about our church? Make sure to bring it back with you to church next Sunday October 1st. On this leaf, write down what you love most about our church. Space is limited, so give it some thought. Maybe it is your Bible study group, worship, fellowship times, Sunday school class, or the welcoming spirit of the church; it might be a particular ministry or program like choir and handbells. If you are an online worshiper or not able to attend church you can mail your leaf back to us or drop it by the church during our office hours Monday-Friday 3:30-5:30
Write your “love notes” on your Heart Card and bring it to church with you on October 1st. Barb Holcomb will be in the Overflow to receive it. We will gather and display Heart Cards on our Rooted & Growing Tree, so we can share and celebrate what we love about our church. There will be additional blank Heart Cards available in worship.
What do you love most about our church?
Enjoying the Journey
Pastor Kayla Grehl
“Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25b
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion. 2 Corinthians 9:11
Once in a great while, something comes along and unexpectedly captures our minds and hearts. That has been my experience in planning for our special churchwide emphasis called Extravagant Generosity: The Heart of Giving. You will not want to miss one of the four Sundays planned, as we explore and celebrate matters of our hearts. This will be a very meaningful time for our congregation.
In preparation, we want you to know about two important tools: a devotional guide, Practicing Extravagant Generosity: Daily Readings on the Grace of Giving and a “Heart Card.” The daily devotional guide will inspire your spirit as you explore the thought provoking pages. We are asking the church family to move through this devotional guide together, so please, begin using it next Monday, September 25, 2023. We will be posting the daily devotional on our church facebook page. If you would like a hard copy of the devotional book, we can have it printed for you. You just need to let the office know you would like a copy. We can also email it to you if that is your preferred method of getting the daily devotional.
The Heart Card which is in the form of a leaf can be picked up in the overflow this Sunday. Take it home and really think about what you love most about our church? Make sure to bring it back with you to church next Sunday October 1st. On this leaf, write down what you love most about our church. Space is limited, so give it some thought. Maybe it is your Bible study group, worship, fellowship times, Sunday school class, or the welcoming spirit of the church; it might be a particular ministry or program like choir and handbells. If you are an online worshiper or not able to attend church you can mail your leaf back to us or drop it by the church during our office hours Monday-Friday 3:30-5:30
Write your “love notes” on your Heart Card and bring it to church with you on October 1st. Barb Holcomb will be in the Overflow to receive it. We will gather and display Heart Cards on our Rooted & Growing Tree, so we can share and celebrate what we love about our church. There will be additional blank Heart Cards available in worship.
What do you love most about our church?
Enjoying the Journey
Pastor Kayla Grehl
“Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25b
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion. 2 Corinthians 9:11
Dear Trinity!
I know many have either asked or may be wondering what is the plan for this weekend with the predicted weather we have coming for us. Well at this moment nothing has changed with our worship plans. As Mike Burroughs told the Servant Council last night it's just too early to tell and we don't want to end up looking silly for a premature cancellation. So once again as of this moment nothing has changed in our worship plans. However I do want you to know that we are paying attention and if things change in our worship service plans here is how you will know.
There will be an email sent out to everyone on our weekly email list. If you are not connected to the email updates please call the office 574-936-2519 and give office secretary Krstina your most current email address. The same notice will be posted on our social media Plymouth Trinity UMC on facebook. We will also report our closings to WNDU 16 and WSBT 22. So those are the two channels you can check for closing information.
God willing and the snow don't rise. We will see you tomorrow at 7:30 for our Blue Christmas Service, Christmas Eve at 4 & 9 PM for Christmas Eve Service and Christmas Day at 10 AM.
Enjoying the journey... even when it's cold.
Pastor Kayla
I know many have either asked or may be wondering what is the plan for this weekend with the predicted weather we have coming for us. Well at this moment nothing has changed with our worship plans. As Mike Burroughs told the Servant Council last night it's just too early to tell and we don't want to end up looking silly for a premature cancellation. So once again as of this moment nothing has changed in our worship plans. However I do want you to know that we are paying attention and if things change in our worship service plans here is how you will know.
There will be an email sent out to everyone on our weekly email list. If you are not connected to the email updates please call the office 574-936-2519 and give office secretary Krstina your most current email address. The same notice will be posted on our social media Plymouth Trinity UMC on facebook. We will also report our closings to WNDU 16 and WSBT 22. So those are the two channels you can check for closing information.
God willing and the snow don't rise. We will see you tomorrow at 7:30 for our Blue Christmas Service, Christmas Eve at 4 & 9 PM for Christmas Eve Service and Christmas Day at 10 AM.
Enjoying the journey... even when it's cold.
Pastor Kayla
Greetings Trinity,
On this Veterans Day I want to express my gratitude to each and every veteran who so bravely has served our country. Personally within my own family I always give thanks for my Grandfather Jim who served in the Army during the Vietnam War and my Stepfather Bill who served also in the Army during the Korean war. Hearing their stories and seeing pictures from their time in the service gives me a deep sense of gratitude for them and all of our service men and women. That gratitude also extends to the sacrifices they have made and continue to make for our country.
This year as November 11th approached I bring our attention again to a prayer found within our Book of Worship 542 For Those in Military Service.
Righteous God, you rule the nations.
Guard brave men and women in military service.
Give them compassion for those who confront them as enemies.
Keep our children from hate that hardens,
or from scorekeeping with human lives.
Though for a season they must be people of war,
let them live for peace, as eager for agreement as for victory.
Encourage them as they encourage one another,
and never let hard duty separate them from loyalty to your Son,
our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Within the scriptures and this prayer we are reminded that we are to be a people of peace and while we know our world is not a world of peace it is something we can all strive to be better at becoming. As we honor and thank all of our veterans for their service to our country may we all remember and celebrate the good news of God's grace and the love that manifest in Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Lord and Savior of the world, in whom all the creation is redeemed and is to be restored for the glory of God.
O almighty God and most merciful Father, as we remember these your servants, remembering with gratitude their courage and strength, we hold before you those who mourn them. Look upon your bereaved servants with your mercy. As this day brings them memories of those they have lost awhile, may it also bring your consolation and the assurance that their loved ones are alive now and forever in your living presence.
(United Methodist Book of Worship 625)
Grace & Peace & Gratitude
Pastor Kayla